土曜・日曜・祝日診療 アイネクライネ歯科 地図

土曜・日曜・祝日診療 アイネクライネ歯科 地図

道順 von 外苑前駅 nach アイネクライネ歯科




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ダイレクトコール 080-5643-1969

入れ歯専門医 檜山比呂

港区南青山4−5−8, 東京都, Japan
表参道、外苑前。南青山で歯科医院を開業しています。ヨーロッパ仕込みの治療を実践する歯科医院です。自宅兼クリニックなので、ほとんどクリニックで生活しています。深夜でもお気軽にご連絡下さい。特に入れ歯の分野では2005年に世界の5人に選ばれています。(icvoclar社主催BPS world competition)


Pro Care for foreigner

Dental Pro Care means the professional the cleaning you can only receive from a dental hygienist. A routine dental cleaning should include scaling, jet polishing and shining polishing. These three important steps are outlined in detail below.


This is the removal of plaque and tartar from all tooth surfaces with different types of scaling being used in relation to the amount of plaque and tartar.

Dental hygienists perform traditional scaling by hand. Advances in technology have led to more modern methods such as electric scalers, which allow dental cleaning to be done in much shorter period of time. However, to achieve best results, electric and manual scaling should be combined in dental cleaning.

The amount of time needed for dental cleaning depends on factors from plaque deposits, complication of dental restorations and your gingival health. People with more tartar and plaque buildup need longer appointments than those who have relatively cleaner teeth. In a moderate case dental cleaning should take about 25 to 30 minutes. Cleaning should be performed every six months to prevent excessive plaque build up. Lack of cleaning allows the growth of plaque, which if left unchecked can lead to the various types of conditions involved in tooth decay. 

Ultrasonic scaling uses a machine called a cavitron, which uses sound waves to remove tartar. Ultrasonic scalers can only remove 50% of total tartar buildup so hand scaling must follow cavitron scaling. People who wear pacemaker cannot get ultrasonic scaling because the ultrasonic sound can interfere with the function of the pacemaker.

Jet and rubber Polishing:

This is the finishing touch of rubbing on the surface of the teeth

There are two kinds of polishing, air polishing and rubber tip polishing. Prophy-jet® a type of air polishing works by spraying high pressured water mixed with baking soda paste onto the surface of your teeth. This powered water can wash away the residue and plaque, while the baking soda removes the brown and yellow stains and neutralizes the acidic conditions in your mouth. Rubber cup polishing employs a low-speed hand piece with a rubber cup tip mounted on the top that contains a polishing paste that is made of abrasive ingredients ideal for removing stains.

eine kleine dental
4-5-8 Minamiaoyama Minato-ku Tokyo
TEL 03-3470-1369