Urs Brodbeck
Dentist, Switzerland
Urs Brodbeck believes that IPS e.max will allow him to keep pace with the developments in dentistry.
Mr. Brodbeck, as a dentist, what do you consider to be the future challenges of dentistry?
More emphasis should be placed on prevention in the dental practice. The primary goal should be to avoid damage, not to repair it. Unfortunately, prophylaxis is still leading a wallflower existence in many places.
In medicine, a general trend towards minimally invasive treatments can be seen. Does this also hold true for dentistry?
Yes, of course. Less is more: This applies to many state-of-the-art treatment procedures employed today.
Why have you decided to undertake your journey into the future with IPS e.max?
IPS e.max Press is the most robust glass-ceramic available and displays exceptional optical qualities. Additionally, the ceramic restorations demonstrate enamel-like properties and are easy to bond to tooth structure.
Casting a glance backwards: What was your most beautiful moment with IPS e.max?
The day my dental technicians received the first translucent IPS e.max Press ingots. Since that time we have been in a position to fabricate posterior inlay/onlay restorations which offer beautiful shading and excellent clinical performance and will certainly propel the clinical survival rates to new heights.
About Urs Brodbeck
Urs Brodbeck runs a private dental practice and is a Specialist SSO/SSRD for Reconstructive Dentistry. He works as an instructor at the Prophylaxis Clinic Zurich, Switzerland, and holds lectures on all-ceramic reconstructions and esthetic dentistry worldwide.
From 1986 to 1988 Urs Brodbeck worked as an assistant in a private dental practice in Davos, Switzerland. After receiving his Doctorate in dentistry he worked as an assistant in the Department of Crown and Bridge Prosthodontics and Dental Materials at the University of Zurich.
From 1990 to1994, Urs Brodbeck was Associate Teaching Professor in the Department of Crown and Bridge Prosthodontics and Dental Materials at the University of Zurich.
Following his promotion to Specialist SSO/SSRD for Reconstructive Dentistry, he was a guest researcher at the University of Sydney, Australia, Department of Fixed Prosthodontics