土曜・日曜・祝日診療 アイネクライネ歯科 地図

土曜・日曜・祝日診療 アイネクライネ歯科 地図

道順 von 外苑前駅 nach アイネクライネ歯科




1つ目の信号がありski shop jiroがあるので、



ダイレクトコール 080-5643-1969

入れ歯専門医 檜山比呂

港区南青山4−5−8, 東京都, Japan
表参道、外苑前。南青山で歯科医院を開業しています。ヨーロッパ仕込みの治療を実践する歯科医院です。自宅兼クリニックなので、ほとんどクリニックで生活しています。深夜でもお気軽にご連絡下さい。特に入れ歯の分野では2005年に世界の5人に選ばれています。(icvoclar社主催BPS world competition)


dental maintenace and care

In General

It is essential to have healthy teeth and maintain a good dental hygiene. Decayed, neglected and unhealthy teeth can affect our overall health. Not replacing missing teeth may result in further damage in our jaw line.

A beautiful, healthy, natural looking smile will gain your confidence. Having a beautiful and bright smile will improve your interpersonal relationships, may help you when you are looking for a job or building a new career or even affect your personal life.
Knowing the amazing results, professionalism and cost effectiveness of dental surgeries at AOYAMA, more and more people choose to take dental treatment at AOYAMA or in the surrounding towns.

Choose our service, travel to AOYAMA, enjoy our hospitality and we guarantee that you will save money and will return home with a new, beautiful and natural “jewel” that you will be proudly wearing in the future because "we will put a bright smile on your face".