土曜・日曜・祝日診療 アイネクライネ歯科 地図

土曜・日曜・祝日診療 アイネクライネ歯科 地図

道順 von 外苑前駅 nach アイネクライネ歯科




1つ目の信号がありski shop jiroがあるので、



ダイレクトコール 080-5643-1969

入れ歯専門医 檜山比呂

港区南青山4−5−8, 東京都, Japan
表参道、外苑前。南青山で歯科医院を開業しています。ヨーロッパ仕込みの治療を実践する歯科医院です。自宅兼クリニックなので、ほとんどクリニックで生活しています。深夜でもお気軽にご連絡下さい。特に入れ歯の分野では2005年に世界の5人に選ばれています。(icvoclar社主催BPS world competition)


Euro dentures attachments


When multiple teeth are extracted, dentures may be the most appropriate solution. Dentures can create a natural and healthy looking set of teeth. As well, a properly fitting set of dentures can greatly enhance your smile and sense of self-esteem.

Complete and Partial Dentures

Many types of dentures exist, including complete and partial dentures. Complete dentures are used when few of the original teeth remain. The dentist begins by removing any remaining teeth so the dentures can be fitted. He or she then makes a mold of the gums and sends it to a dental lab where customized dentures are constructed. Patients are typically fitted with temporary dentures until the permanent set of dentures have returned from the laboratory. Partial dentures are prepared in much the same way as a complete set, and are utilized when only a few teeth are missing...